How to: Make homemade rose petals
This week was another slow and relaxing week for Floriography Flowers. We only have one wedding this weekend and it is fairly small. I am very excited, because I get most of next week off due to the Fourth of July and have a friend coming to visit! One fun project I did this week was make homemade rose petals. The bride ordered four bags of orange rose petals. I remember always wondering exactly how the bride gets rose petals for her flower girls to throw down the aisle. This project is very easy and quick! Below is a How to: Make homemade rose petals.
Step 1: Get all the supplies
1. Bucket
2. Water
3. Floral food (Floralife)
4. Roses
5. Gallon Bags
6. Floral Cutters
7. Rose Strippers
8. Gloves
Step 2: Process the roses
After buying your roses of choice (I am using Cherry Brandy), get a bucket and fill it with water, and floral food. After your bucket is ready, process your roses with gloves and rose strippers to get the leaves off. If you are unsure on how to process flowers, please refer to my earlier blog, How to: Process Flowers.
Step 3: Cut the stems off the roses with floral cutters
Take your floral cutters and cut off the stems from the roses, and then take them to make a stack of the roses. Look for mold on the outer petals and pull them off.

Step 4: "Decapitate" the rose
As said by one of my co-workers, the next step is to "decapitate" your rose by pulling out the bottom of the rose that holds it together. After successfully getting the center out, start separating out your rose petals and pull them apart, removing anything that remains of the center. This step is tough to describe with words, so I am attaching a video. Take your rose petals and put them in a gallon bag. Continue this process until the gallon bag is almost full.
Step 5: Close the gallon bag, and push out the air
Once the gallon bag is full with rose petals, close it and push out the air out.

Step 6: Put the gallon bag in the refrigerator until ready to use
If you are not using your rose petals immediately, put them in the refrigerator to preserve them, and then pull them out when ready! When you're ready, pull them out and make it rain rose petals!