Explore My Work

My Story
I have an interest in event planning and leadership, specifically management. I strive to plan strategic events that emphasize why one plans an event and to achieve an organization's goals. While the event itself is important, I also like to focus on what is to be achieved from the event, such as brand growth, fundraising, employee retention, or profit. My goal is for each person to leave my events with a better understanding of why they came, and the actions they can take after to accomplish goals set at the event.
I emphasize the organization and creativity of an event to create the most strategic event possible. I believe interpersonal skills are an utmost importance to put the customer first to hold a successful and strategic event. Management not only encompasses leading a team but also managing clients and outsourcing in which effective communication is crucial.
This blog acts as my event planning portfolio consisting internship experience and various events I have planned and executed.
"Plans are nothing. Planning is everything."
Albert Einstein